Athletic Facilities Your Neighbors Trust Since 1987
Protect Players & Spectators with Batting Cages & Baseball Netting


We Can Set Up Fencing & Nets at:
Sports stadiums
Public parks
Ball fields
Golf courses
Swimming pools
Tennis courts
If You Manage Athletic Facilities,
Give us a Call for a FREE Estimate!
Generations of Expertise


Golf Course Netting

Impact Netting
You’ll want to use golf impact netting around your golf course for close range shots. The quality of the netting is going to make a difference when the ball hits the net at high speed on driving ranges or near a tee. Nylon is the most common, though polyester is considered more UV resistant. Either material is very durable and can hold up well for years under sun exposure. However, a customized net can add an extra layer of nylon if you think your netting will be taking on numerous close-range, high-impact hits. You can also customize mesh size. The most common size is about 3/4 inches. Your size will depend on how much impact you think your netting is going to have.

Golf Cages
When you want to provide an area for players to practice their swings, a golfing cage is a perfect choice. These are very customizable and can be designed in compact ways or in more permanent setups for professional courses. They employ the same high-quality netting mentioned above, and we can customize the shape. They’re also built for high-impact hitting, so golfers can go full speed without anyone in the vicinity getting hurt. Consider using a steel framing so the cage has long-term durability outdoors.

Barrier Netting
This netting keeps long-distance shots from flying beyond property lines. The width on the mesh can be larger here due to lesser impacts. For the most part, about 1 inch is all you need for mesh width, though it can also be customized. This type of netting can be constructed at various heights to accommodate players with powerful swings.
Baseball Field Netting and Fencing

Backstops and Fences
Our high-strength backstops keep errant balls from reaching the stands and spectators. You don’t need to worry that a wild pitch or foul ball will injure someone in your stands. Backstops are critical for reducing your facility’s liability. Backstops are customizable by shape and size. We can build them as large as needed for a full field or small enough for a simple practice space. Fencing is a necessary component of any baseball field. It defines the field of play. Without it, you can’t even hit a home run. We can build your ballfield’s fence custom to fit your unique needs. From height to wire gauge to coating, it’s all available. We can build with privacy slats to keep out distractions. We can add padding so players don’t get hurt if they slam into the fence concentrating on a fly ball. Whatever your needs, we will work to meet them.

Netting adds another major safety feature to your field. With netting, the cost of coverage goes way down, allowing you to extend protection. Not only does netting around the field keep spectators safe, it also makes ball retrieval much easier. Use of netting has expanded greatly at parks across the country. Facilities managers have become more concerned than ever with spectator safety, and they’re turning in large numbers to netting to ease their minds.

Batting Cages